Used by more than 70% of universities and colleges in the Netherlands and Belgium.
Why teachers
choose TrainTool
Teachers use TrainTool to train communication skills effectively.
Find out why they are so enthusiastic about it.
Optimal feedback
Make use of AI coach Alix, who gives students instant personalised feedback, peer feedback from fellow students or feedback from the teachers.
Practising independently
Students practice realistic scenarios independently through video role-playing games, reducing the need for physical training sessions.
Insight into progress
Get a clear overview of students’ progress and see how they develop their skills thanks to baseline and final measurements.
Blended learning
As a teacher, you shape education in a modern way and determine the ideal blend between what you let students do live and online.
Greater learning pleasure
Students experience TrainTool as a nice change within other teaching materials and rate it an average of 8. It makes conversation skills training more attractive.
Experience the
Traintool effect for yourself
Wondering what the TrainTool environment looks like and what the tool can give you? Request a demo and find out for yourself.
for each curriculum
TrainTool supports teachers with more than 80 programmes, tailor-made in
collaboration with subject teachers. From basic skills to specific programmes.
Continuously supplemented with new, relevant topics and language versions.
Tailor-made programmes for training within all fields, including:
- Economics
- Behaviour and society
- Medicine
vocational education
Tailor-made programmes for training within all fields, including:
- Education
- Law
- Paramedic training
vocational education
Tailor-made programmes for training within all fields, including:
- Media, design and ICT
- Economy and entrepreneurship
- Care and welfare
How other teachers experience
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free demo now
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optimally guide students with TrainTool and
save time yourself.
About TrainTool
At TrainTool, we believe that strong communication skills are indispensable for success. And training them doesn’t have to be difficult at all. Since 2012, we have been helping students with our innovative software, developed by experts, that helps them grow faster and achieve proven, better results.
TrainTool has won several international awards, including the renowned Learning Technologies Award. We remain committed to making learning more fun, effective and accessible to all.
Frequently asked questions
Is your question not listed here? Our support team is at your service.
TrainTool’s basic programmes are suitable for any student. These cover topics such as presenting, applying for jobs and feedback. In addition, there are domain-specific programmes where you go in depth per subject area. These include programmes for behaviour and society, healthcare, education, law, language & culture, engineering, social studies, nutrition & dietetics, economics and the legal domain.
There are four ways in which students can be assessed.
- Self-assessment The student assesses his/her own performance
- AI feedback: The AI coach Alix provides automatic content feedback on video exercises.
- Peer feedback: Students give feedback to each other
- Teacher feedback: The teacher gives personal and targeted feedback
Alix is an AI coach who provides students with substantive feedback on their video exercises within one minute. This saves teachers a lot of time as they have to give less or even no feedback.
TrainTool is available in subscription form. The annual cost depends on the number of students within the programme. The more students, the lower the price per student. Contact us for a price indication.
Yes, TrainTool can be seamlessly integrated within any Learning Management System (LMS). This can be done either at launch or at a later date. Our integration manager guides the whole process, and there are no additional costs involved.
Experience TrainTool
for yourself
With just a few clicks, you can test TrainTool for 14 days. Perfect to discover what it can do for your classes.